Father’s are the BEST!

Happy Father’s Day to all of you great dads yesterday. We are ever so grateful for our sweet dads, as we contemplated all of the many good things they taught us we realized that our dads were so similar! We were taught to work hard, to be honest in all things, that the family was the center unit and the importance of gathering and having activities together. An important principle they taught us was to respect and love our mothers! They taught us the value of doing a job well, many hands make light work, if you can’t do it right don’t do it at all, if you say you’re going to do it do it, be home on time! Return with honor, serve your neighbors, love your enemies, say your prayers, trust in the Lord, tithing is a blessing, the importance of the sacrament, the importance of attending our meetings, the importance of excepting and doing your callings to the best of your ability, honor and value the power in the priesthood, how far would you have been if I hadn’t of called you back, see you in the funny papers in the morning, hello the house, You dough head, Why? cat fur to make kitten bridges, all of these cute memorable sayings, have gone on through generations of time. As we grow older we realize some of the greatest gifts and blessings in our life have been centered around family.

We continue to be so grateful for the opportunity to serve our Savior Jesus Christ right now and we take this as a sacred opportunity! Each Tuesday we go and help cook food at the Presbyterian Church so that they can baguette and deliver it on Wednesday. Last Tuesday it was just us and the Elders that were there to assist, I know that they are ever so grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints that helps them with this service. We also had an opportunity to go help a branch member in her yard, it needed much attention! And as we left once again she was so deeply grateful. Service really does give each of us opportunities to do something for others that sometimes they can’t do for themselves

Bill Stocking it’s just so amazing! He was ordained to the office of a priest in the Aaronic priesthood yesterday. You can just feel of his desire to do the work! What a blessing it has been for us to watch this mighty change!

We hope each of you know the valuable part you plan in our lives. We are so grateful for each of your prayers and for your love as we serve away from our sweet family and friends. Keep going strong!

Back home

Elder and Sister Mitchell

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