Happy Fourth of July to all of you!

We cannot believe that we are halfway through 2022! Here we are July 4th, what a blessing to live in the United States of America! How grateful we are that the independence of our nation marked the beginning of an opportunity for greater religious freedom to worship God. “ according to the dictates of our own conscience” This set the stage for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. You might want to read a beautiful talk by President Dallin H Oaks, defending our divinely inspired constitution.


We lately have been thinking a lot about some principles of the gospel. Faith, hope, and charity! They are connected. They are not independent solos! ! For us here on our mission it has been critical for us to find ways to increase our faith. Through being more obedient, feasting upon the words of Christ, having a greater desire to serve those around us, loving God, and loving all of those around us, especially finding ways to love those that are harder to LOVE! We can testify that as we have built a stronger foundation of faith that our HOPE in our Savior has increased. Hope truly is an anchor to our soul, and a blessing in our own lives. Hope truly is an a binding trust that the Lord will fulfill his promises to each of us. The brighter our hope, the greater our faith. The stronger our hope, the purer our charity. The things we hope for lead us to faith, while the things we hope in lead us to charity. The three qualities faith, hope, and charity working together, grounded on the truth and light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, lead us to abound in good works. And leads us to have a stronger, pure, relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ!

There is a sacred importance connection with all of these Christlike attributes. They are built upon the foundation of the two great commandments. How grateful we are to be missionaries at this time of our lives, it is not always easy, but we can testify of our Savior’s love for us personally, and for his love for each of you wherever you are at! We bear you our testimony that God is our father, and that our Savior Jesus Christ is our loving brother. How grateful we both are that as we face them at judgment time, that our Savior Jesus Christ will be our great mediator. We also are so grateful for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in our lives. We have truly learned how special that third member of the Godhead has been for us here in Michigan. We have come to realize how critical it is for us to hear the still small voice, and act upon those promptings! We testify that the prophet Joseph Smith truly saw what he said he saw, our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. That the book of Mormon is the word of God, another testament of Jesus Christ and it was truly written for our time. How grateful we are for a living day prophet President Russell M Nelson, he sees our day and continues to give us hope for the future! We absolutely love love, love general conference, and are so grateful that we each have the opportunity to study and review continually the message that our prophet, seer, and revelators are giving us today. We are so grateful for the temples, that are dotting the world, And for the blessings of eternal families! Our family is such an extreme blessing to us! We are so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ, and for his infinite atonement in each of our lives. How grateful we are that he stands ready to assist us and to help us in every aspect of our life. He truly has paid the price for each of us! And we say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

We had the fun opportunity to go to Young Women’s camp Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday It was a small group of young woman and all the adult leaders there was only 77 total. It was so fun for us to watch these young women be such great examples of Christ like love to each other. They just truly cheered each other on, and helped wherever they were needed, and gave so much appreciation and thanks for all that was going on that week. We love the youth of today! And we know without a doubt that they have been reserved for these last days, to do mighty mighty work!!!!! We had been asked by the stake leaders to come and do two demonstrations. Soft pretzels and Dutch oven pizza. And to help out in any other way we could. The Randalls another couple from the St. Joseph ward were given the assignment of fixing all the meals at camp. They had planned out a wonderful menu for the three days. But it became very apparent that they needed help in preparing the food, cleaning up and everything that goes along with that. We were able to step right in and help them. Though it was late nights and early mornings to accomplish it, it was well worth it! It was so nice to get to know the Randall’s And it was actually fun. We gained a strong relationship with them and the member of our state presidency. President Ensign and his wife. We actually were invited to go on a river run with him and his wife next Monday, he says that we will see Michigan in a whole different light!.

We had three youth go from our Allegan Branch! Our stake leaders were so excited because we have never had anyone show up from Allegan. Azure, Autumn,and Lily.
Our mighty youth leaders
Third year youth
1st year youth
2nd year youth
President Ensign and Elder Mitchell Busy shaking out the rugs in the kitchen
Middle time was always their favorite! They really were feed well. On this particular evening we did shish kebabs, rice, tossed salad, fruit, and in the evening they did s’more‘s!
This was the first morning as we were gathering all together to start girls camp. It was a historic moment because this is a new stake that was just formed. So this was the first young women’s camp in the new Holland stake
We made nine pizzas in different groups, in the Dutch oven. The girls definitely loved those.
The homemade pretzels were a real hit!!!!!!
The Monday before girls camp we had our district P day. They wanted to play pickle ball and then to come to the Mitchell‘s house for a café Rio dinner. Then we played a wild game of scum! We really love our District, so grateful for each of these elders and sisters that contribute so much to our lives.
Us old folks can still do pretty good, Sister Mitchell and sister Hanson won pickle ball! At least that game.
The Fourth of July activities were all done yesterday on July 3, they do that because many of them go back to work on July 5 and so they can have a relaxing day on July 4 and not stay up late. So we went down with two other Branch couples to watch the fireworks last night.
In the middle is brother and sister Myron, he is from England and is a true Englishman. Lisa his wife is my counselor in the Young Women. Next to who is Laura she is an amazing woman in our branch, I don’t think there is anything that she cannot make or do.

These fireworks do not do justice! They were beautiful and they were out in the river. They lasted for about 30 minutes it was a beautiful show!

Sorry that there are so many pictures and that this blog is so long! We know hope you know how valuable you are to us. Keep smiling and continue to be safe.

Elder and Sister Mitchell

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